30th September 2016- 5th November 2016.  Dear Art Lover   We connect in many ways, a look, a smile, a hug, a social media thumbs up, e-mail, letters, music, painting the list is endless.  When we do, we reveal a little more of ourselves sharing a thought or a feeling. Although our means of connection and communication has changed over the years and has increased in speed somewhat, it needn’t necessarily mean it is any less sincere. A smile is still a smile. Artists paint because they desire to make connections with life and ideas but perhaps arguably to let people see what it is they are thinking and to allow them to see a part of them that is hard to otherwise explain in words.  Georgia O’Keefe famously said ‘I found I could say things with colour and shapes that I couldn’t say any other way, things I had no words for’ Looking at a painting, much like reading a letter, gives you the time to reflect and make inferences, to engage is cognitively enriching and allows for the imaginational processes to start. The four artists in this exhibition all communicate on a personal level. They all use the human figure and convey their own particular interests and journeys, touching on personal desires and doubts, dreams and experiences. What ties them together despite their differing aesthetic is the sincerity with which they make their mark, and therefore convey their ideas; honest and soulful. Much like a thank you letter from the heart these paintings open channels of new thoughts and relationships and are received with joy.  Come along and join us to celebrate our first figurative show.