A two person showcase of work by Paul Furneaux, winner of Tatha Gallery exhibition prize at the RSA open Exhibition in 2019 and Barry McGlashan winner of Tatha Gallery exhibition prize SSA/VAS open exhibition in 2019. We couldn't be more thrilled to be bringing together the wonderful work of these two hugely talented and sought-after artists in this exciting double bill of shows. For both artists the act of creating the artwork is as important as the work they create. The process itself becomes a part of the finished piece.


In Paul's work the wood-block printing process is direct and tactile and its range of marks and qualities are unique. He likes to take a playful, intuitive approach to the creation of a piece of work and often a print will come about through a combination of planning and intuitive evolution.The exploration of traditional Japanese wood-block printing (Mokuhanga) has been an all-consuming passion for the last decade for the artist Paul Furneaux.  Coming from a painting background where the possibilities seem endless, he has become more and more fascinated by the limitations imposed by woodblock printing and how to push/extend those boundaries It involves an inherently beautiful and simple process of printing water colour from cut sheets of wood , mastered over many years, which has lead his work to develop in a "contemplative and semi-abstract" way.  The theme running through this body of work explores the urban environment around Tokyo where Paul recently spent a wonderful spring" and echoes of earlier themes of views from inside looking out and further explores his medium combining elements of collage . 


In Barry's work the blot of one painting will often become the starting point of another.  Intuition, imagination and creative mark-making then come into play and a new piece is born. He sees the painting almost as an object, created bit by bit to become something more than merely a 2D image on the wall.

Imagination, memories and dream visions combined with a love of film and travel merge to form the inspiration for the paintings of artist Barry McGlashan.


In this show, Night Music, a sense of mystery permeates the work, a dream-like quality which is heightened by his use of loose, free mark-making and an eventide mood in the light he evokes in many of the paintings.  The 18th century makes an appearance in allusions to the dress, music and imagery of the time, adding to the other-worldly and romantic feel of the works.