TATHA Gallery is pleased to present an exhibition entitled ‘BEGINNINGS’
The idea for ‘beginnings’ as the title for of our inaugural show might seem an obvious choice but it has roots that go a little deeper than the simple definition of the word.
Here the gallery is bringing together three experienced but very different Artists, Joyce Cairns, Alan Robb and Doug Cocker. All are RSAs with long established histories in the art world. The juxtaposition of these artists and their works is a powerful one. Connecting these three hitherto separate concepts and ways of working has for us generated new meaning.
They are intriguing, almost obscure, they suggest the primitive elements of art, emotion, intelligence and perception of environment. It is almost as if each represents a molecule from the very early inceptions of art.
From each of their works one understands the desire to express, to paint or to sculpt. Cocker makes wonderful use of bold shapes that give rise to faint memories of the strongest symbols and objects in our natural environment. Whilst Cairns work strongly reflects back to the emotional ties in life, to the turbulent and pleasing flux of existence. Humour trails subtly through both Cocker and Robb’s work almost like a soft veil that masks the frivolity of the serious. The mix of a strong architectural piece cover by a well-loved hat portrays well the reality but theatrical nature of Alan’s work.
This exhibition creates an energy that reflects the spirit of the art in this North- East corner of Fife, Scotland
These artists along with the public and the location, when brought together act like the fusion of molecules in an unpredictable system, mutually re-inforce each other. They make a lot of noise and create energy, like atoms of delight. The gallery and this exhibition is dependent on the interaction of all elements, we see it as a dynamic system and hopefully this exhibition will go someway to emulating the butterfly effect and begin to let people experience the effects that art can have through the use of colour, form, line and texture and concept.