Nerine Tassie

Born in Fife, I graduated from Edinburgh College of Art in 2002 with a degree in Fine Art.  Natural spaces and forms provide the basis and inspiration for my work, in particular the coastal waters and woodlands around my home.  These landscapes are ever changing and at times daunting and they provide infinite subject matter for my work.  My paintings are primarily an exploration of the mystery of nature within this subject matter and I have always sought to create a strong sense of atmosphere and connection to place within my work.  In 2015 I was awarded Sky Arts Landscape Artist of the Year


More recently she has been exploring the relationship between composition and frame within each painting, experimenting with this balance in order to create more depth of focus for the viewer.

 Artist Statement

"I enjoy the act of painting and the physicality of the paintwork on the canvas and so my process of working involves experimenting with base layers of varied materials in order to constantly develop new experiences within each painting". Exploration of materials and using a variety of painterly techniques creates a rich texture to the work and means that each painting takes on its own developing surface and object quality.